Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Didn't See it Coming? I am NOT Surprised

The left is in a complete tizzy as Mr. Trump fired FBI Director James Comey.

The firing of Mr. Comey as FBI director shows two things. One, that it is unlikely that the FBI was spying on the Trump team, and two, it was clearly the right decision.

Actually, the two reasons are really one. The news reported that Mr. Comey found out he was fired as he was talking to a group of FBI agents in L.A., and the screen behind him flashed the news. I can just image how this went.

Mr. Comey: " I just want to tell all you agents here that I am on top of things, and us here at the FBI know EXACTLY what is going on in this Country. Yes sir, nothing gets past me. In fact, I showed those Senators at the hearing, and I showed the President that he can't push me around. He now knows that I have intricate knowledge into the inner workings of Washington, and I have my finger on the pulse. In fact, I sent a strong message to him that I can and will disagree with him publicly whenever I damn well want to", At that point a loud gasp goes up from the crowd. Comey can feel the power, so he continues, " and there is nothing he can do about it!"  He stops and pauses for the thunderous applause.


Gently, one of his aides turns him around and shows him the screen. And leads him away quietly from the silent and stunned room.

This whole sad  fiasco shows that Director Comey has NO CLUE about what was going on, and  THAT shows that he heads a bumbling agency that knows nothing, and can do nothing but leak information that hurts the current administration ( also, incidentally, his boss). So I posit to you that if they are so incompetent that NO ONE in the agency at all had even an inkling as to what was happening, they are probably too incompetent to carry out a decent surveillance.

Come on, is it really surprising that he got fired? I saw it coming. The way the entire e-mail thing was handled, that he should have indicted her in the first place, then he re-opened the investigation, just to close it so quickly, coupled with the State department meddling without penalty in the investigation, added to his public denials of the surveillance, and public obfuscating about Russian interference (should have done it the other way around, or obfuscated on everything. he's shown he can do it)  finalized by his saying he was nauseated by his actions, I am just surprised it didn't happen in day one or two.

There is no way that he could be an effective leader to anyone who is even the least bit sympathetic or in favor of the current administration. The Democrats really think that things are going to continue as usual, and Mr. Trump is not going to make any of the 3,000 appointments that he is able to? That the President is going to continue to allow the entrenched Obama holdovers to continue to make and support policies he doesn't believe in? He is much smarter and shrewder than that. And they are much more arrogant than even I thought.

So goodbye Mr. Comey, and lets hope the next director can get his (or her) house and agents in order.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Welcome to the National Republic of Liberal Media

So it didn't take long for the media to finish its self flagellation for being so wrong about the results and continue on its merry way of fear mongering and inciting unrest here in the country.

First I thought that perhaps with the election over, we could go back to a more fair and balanced reporting of events. No such luck.

Then I  thought that at least I would enjoy a few days of reading and listening to the media as it became the big story of the election, how they missed the predictions, contributed to Hillary's loss by giving her base a sense of complacency that led to lower turnout ( thanks MBB), and were part of the backlash of the American people. However, even though there were one or two articles about it, as the token nod to actual impactful news, the rest of their pages and pieces were all about how horrible Trump is and how everyone in the world is moving to Canada.

I was on the bus watching the Dow Jones ticker at 42nd Street last night. You would think that Trump is a wild eyed terrorist who staged a coup, took over the White House, the Congress, and every single government agency, imposed martial law and started wars with every other nation on the planet, all by himself and overnight. This is propaganda, fear-mongering and inciting at its very worse, from institutions that have heretofore been considered upstanding and trustworthy.

Also, as I predicted here yesterday, today the news reported a supposedly peaceful protest that turned into a full fledged riot in Portland. Of course they have to say " the police are calling it a riot", because once again, they cannot possibly acknowledge their own complicity in fanning the flames of hatred and unrest in this country. Trump has not said anything remotely inflammatory since the election, but that is not stopping the ramping up of the rhetoric.

However, by allowing the anarchy to start, its natural movement is the escalation that we are seeing. If the local governments do not realize quickly that these illegal activities must be stopped immediately, issue of containing it will fall to Obama, and we know how good he is at things.

I look forward to the peaceful transfer of power. I fear we may not make it that far.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

YAY! and Boooooo.

So the country followed the dictates of this blog and voted to elect Mr. Trump as the next president of this great country. Good for us.

However, a very disturbing thing has since developed. Even though one of the main tenets of our democracy, and one of the things that has ensured our survival for the last 240 years, and our continued ability to follow the constitution has been the peaceful transfer of power. This has never been questioned or challenged.

Until now.

I feel that protests have a place in this country. They are used to bring awareness to issues, to try to effectuate change, to rally others to your cause. But there needs to be a cause. Something that others can get behind and work to further the cause. We don't protest breathing. We don't protest sleeping. We don't protest givens.

There is also no reason or purpose to protest something that is finished and can't be changed. Especially when that thing was put to the entire country, the country exercised its rights to be heard, the issue was debated, argued, pled, advertised, spoken and written about ad nauseaum. It is over. It is done. There is nothing to be gained by protesting.

Except anarchy. Something anathema to our love of democracy and rule of law.

The idiocy of this protesting was truly brought home when  a protester was interviewed on TV and she said "it was an affront to democracy that he was elected". Huh? I thought the whole POINT of democracy was to elect the person who was the will of the people. ( I will not get into popular vote vs. electoral college, that is not my call, its the way things are done.) She goes on to give Mr. Trump 5 or 6 pejorative labels. I think CBS News, where I saw this genius interviewed, realized how stupid she sounded, and edited out the line above when they put together their national coverage of the protests.
( You can check yourselves on the video from local CBS in New York last night, and the CBS News site today.)

Actually, once looking at the video, you can see that protest is the wrong word. To me, a protest is the million man march in the square of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, or gathering on the steps of City Hall. Peaceful gatherings that send a message for change. What we are seeing, with running onto highways in California and onto streets in New York, blocking traffic and climbing on light poles, are riots.  I also noticed Black Lives Matter signs, a group that is, to me, based on its history of violence, a domestic terrorist organization. This shows me that these riots are once again the work of the professional agitators who have been behind most of the riots in this country this year.

I fault the various City governments with not ending this immediately. When hundreds of people run onto a highway, then form a line to stop traffic, or run around the cars, as we saw in California, and here during other riots, and then there are only a handful of arrests, something is wrong. The City administrations are not doing their job in protecting the inhabitants of the city. This should be stopped immediately. we see what happens when these riots are allowed to continue, day after day. They result in what we had in Dallas, in Baton Rouge, in New York. utter lawlessness.

I also think it would be helpful if the losers of the election would come out and say that this is not he American way. Hillary and Obama need to go on the record, as soon as possible, and condemn these riots. Tell their supporters to stay involved in the political process and work to have the objects of their ire voted out the next time. Not to riot in the streets and promote the anarchy.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Media Spin

During this political season I have had many debates with my family, who, for the most part, are intelligent thinkers. I have often told them that I don't read or listen to the media if at all possible, and that I would rather get my information and form my own opinions from the hearing the candidates themselves. This point was more than brought home last night and this morning.

I heard, during the debate, the Mr. Trump would appoint a special prosecutor to look into the whole e-mail issue. I also heard him say, is a give and take where he was being insulted by Hillary, that she was glad someone with his temperament was not in charge of the law, that she would be in jail.  ( and the comeback was very very quick) Not that he would PUT her in jail, but that is where she would be. A sentiment that seemed to be shared by most of the audience, much to the annoyance of the moderator, or shall I say, Hillary facilitator. A true 'drop the mike' moment.

So I was listening to two different programs in the car this morning, one was an interview of a Hillary supporter and the other was the news. Both said that Mr. Trump said he would put Hillary in jail. That is not what was said, because I was listening to the source. I have been the lone voice for the longest time ( in my circles) to raise the fact that the press is so insidiously biased that most people don't hear or realize it. This spin is just the latest in a long line of how the press, and even the supposedly neutral "News" will spin a story to their own political agenda.

This is not to mention that the moderators actually started debating the ( Republican) candidate! Talk about blasting through the veneer of  impartiality.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Welcome to the site. I have been a fan of Donald Trump for years. I have been supporting him in the face of extreme hysteria fed by a biased media since he decided to run. Mostly from my family, a group of rather intelligent and well read people. However, recent actions on the part of the candidate have started to have me doubt my unwavering support.  I shall continue to support him, because the alternative is much to scary and bleak, but I think the title of this blog sums it up best.

Enjoy my comments, thoughts and rants.